Return policy

Return period - 10 days
The item is not damaged
Order number
Use your personal account
What are the conditions for the return of goods?
  • The product did not suit you;
  • The characteristics or appearance of the goods differ from those declared by the seller;
  • Manufacturing defects in the manufacture of goods.
How do I return an item?
  1. Make sure that no more than 10 days have passed since the purchase of the product.
  2. Check the condition of the product - there should be no damage or signs of use.
  3. Collect the required documents:
    • check or order number (document confirming the purchase of goods);
    • warranty card;
    • payment details (in case of cashless payments).
  4. Go to your personal account in the section for the return of goods, indicate the reason for the return, the necessary data and leave a request, or use the phone +38 (050) 505 50 50, our specialist will help you draw up a request for a return.
  5. Based on the result of consideration of the application for a return, upon making a positive decision, select the method of sending the goods to the specified address
  6. Once the item has been sent back to the seller, you will receive a refund.
My request to return an item was declined. What to do?
If the application for a return is rejected, the buyer can apply to an independent examination and, upon confirmation of the examination and the buyer's right to return, all costs associated with the examination are subject to reimbursement by the seller.